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About trading center

  ·关于东北亚镁质材料交易中心交易系统硬件及网络设备升级的通知     ·国家发展改革委财金司召开部分省市发展改革部门座谈会调研2023年一季度财政金融形势     ·关于东北亚镁质材料交易中心因疫情原因休市的通知     ·关于东北亚镁质材料交易中心有限公司休市一天的公告     ·百年华诞,丰华正茂——中共东北亚镁质材料交易中心有限公司支部委员会、中共辽宁信威环保科技有限公司支部委员会庆祝建党百年主题活动会  



  Northeast Asia Magnesia Material Trading Center (hereinafter referred to as NAMMTC) was founded on December 23, 2013. It is a spot trading center approved by Financial Work Office, Liaoning People’s Government. Relying on the resource advantage of Liaoning as a place of origin for magnesium, it radiates to magnesium product consumer markets throughout the country and the world and provides a comprehensive service platform with a full range of trading services, financial services, information services, testing services, warehousing services and logistics services for enterprises. 

  NAMMTC adheres to the principle of “equal, fair, open, honest and trustworthy”. Combined with the characteristics of bulk stock markets, it presents new trading patterns, greatly reduces the procurement and supply costs of enterprises and completely solves numerous problems with traditional commodity trade, such as poor credit rating, low contract fulfilment, complex intermediate links and manipulation, etc. It truly realizes paperless goods trading, fully solves information source, customer source, fund settlement, supporting logistics and other trading bottlenecks and thereby improves the circulation efficiency of goods as a whole, reduce circulation costs and improve the overall competitiveness of the commodity circulation industry. By and by, NAMMTC will become a normalized and safe electronic trading center, an authoritative and objective price information center, a quality and convenient logistics service center and financing service center.


主办单位:东北亚镁质材料交易中心 地址:中国辽宁大石桥西外环路南段

技术支持:辽宁吉美科技有限公司 辽ICP备13013145号-1